Uuuufff... How was my blogging experience? It was an exhausting experience, but I could enjoy it.
To do the blog sessions was exhausting because I needed much time to put in order my ideas and to can write this in a foreign language. It wasn’t habitual for me. My level of English first only allowed me to read and to understand English texts, but I couldn’t write in English quickly. Before, I needed to think the phrases in Spanish and then I could translate them. Now, I can do faster than before, but not at the speed that I would like. Still I sometimes need to do the exercise of think and then translate the phrases.
I could enjoy it because I like to search music, pictures, and videos, and then to edit my posts adding something of compiled audiovisual material. I used much of the session time editing the contents of my blog in laboratory or in my house. I enjoy it, but it exhausts me too. Sometimes I had neck ache or other kinds of muscular ache, product of keep in uncomfortable body position.
Now I think my blogging experience helped me to increase some skills related with reading and writing in English. But continue my difficulties to talk in English. My biggest problem with this foreign language is can’t to keep a fluid conversation, and blog activities haven’t could help me in this way.
But its advantage is helping us to practice and remember our writing skills. Still, the time that we used posting in blog is too much, and we would use it better in class, trying to talk in English and learn more grammatical knowledge of this language.
I hope you will consider this opinion, and the charge persons reduce the time and number of blog sessions.
That’s all folks!
See you in the future!
In the last post I add two videos of famous guitarists, but they are men.
The next video is a song of Kaki King, an american guitarist. She plays the guitar in beautiful and amazing way.
Painful but entertaining experience
1 commentsPosted by Deathmaster at 2:55 PM
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day ♪ !
1 commentsMy ideal job, in this moment, could be an idle person. Yes, would be ideal to rest a lot of time of the day and to win money doing nothing, or could do anything that I like to do, could be happy with the important persons in my life, with my friends and family. To enjoy each moments, each seconds of my life, and making them happy.
But the reality is different.
Everyday we are exposed to different events that can change our life in many ways. Things can happen although we don’t want it. In this aspect, we can make decisions and choose between different options. We can do something that we would do to be happy.Really, my ideal job isn’t to do absolute nothing. My ideal job is to do something that I like to do: I would be a musician. I would like to be a component of a little band, but a little band that could to reach many people with its music. I would like to play the guitar, and to play amazing riffs and guitar solos. But before, I need to increase my creativity and to learn special techniques used on the guitar, because this activity needs speed and precision of hands movements, as the sweep pecking that basically it’s a technique that "economize" the pick movements, making a few moves to make many notes quickly.
I think I would be good in this job because I can do some techniques as palm mute, legato, slide, hammer-ons and pull-offs, tapping, natural and artificial harmonics, among others. Other quality that I would need is patience, because in a band can always be differences of opinion.
The difficulty to be a guitarist would be the lack of resources and time, and the difficulty to find a good manager and a label to record the disks. Also, is very hard be recognized in the current market: full of different artists, bands, and styles.
Still, it’s something that I would do in parallel to my life of psychologist.
Two of many guitar styles:
Neo-classical (mixing classical compositions and rock)
Instrumental Rock (incorporating jazz, fusion, new age, and country and western music into his recordings)
Take care and I hope you are what you want to be =)
Posted by Deathmaster at 11:48 AM
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