Painful but entertaining experience

Uuuufff... How was my blogging experience? It was an exhausting experience, but I could enjoy it.
To do the blog sessions was exhausting because I needed much time to put in order my ideas and to can write this in a foreign language. It wasn’t habitual for me. My level of English first only allowed me to read and to understand English texts, but I couldn’t write in English quickly. Before, I needed to think the phrases in Spanish and then I could translate them. Now, I can do faster than before, but not at the speed that I would like. Still I sometimes need to do the exercise of think and then translate the phrases.
I could enjoy it because I like to search music, pictures, and videos, and then to edit my posts adding something of compiled audiovisual material. I used much of the session time editing the contents of my blog in laboratory or in my house. I enjoy it, but it exhausts me too. Sometimes I had neck ache or other kinds of muscular ache, product of keep in uncomfortable body position.
Now I think my blogging experience helped me to increase some skills related with reading and writing in English. But continue my difficulties to talk in English. My biggest problem with this foreign language is can’t to keep a fluid conversation, and blog activities haven’t could help me in this way.
But its advantage is helping us to practice and remember our writing skills. Still, the time that we used posting in blog is too much, and we would use it better in class, trying to talk in English and learn more grammatical knowledge of this language.
I hope you will consider this opinion, and the charge persons reduce the time and number of blog sessions.

That’s all folks!
See you in the future!

In the last post I add two videos of famous guitarists, but they are men.
The next video is a song of Kaki King, an american guitarist. She plays the guitar in beautiful and amazing way.


Paula said...

Thank you for your comments, Jorge.

This is the evaluation criteria used:

All aspects of the task are very well handled. 3 points.

Good use of lexical resources.
Coherence generally well handled.
2.5 points.

Grammar is adequate despite minor errors. 2 points.

7.5 points. Grade: 6.0